Why Should You Get an Avetta Certification

Why Should You Get an Avetta Certification

Health and safety are a priority across all industries. However, some companies must have existing standards that highlight safety precautions and thrive on the best industry-specific practices. One way companies can ensure that they’re following the best practices is by receiving proper certifications. In particular, an Avetta certification will ensure that companies comply with safety and health regulations. If you think your company can benefit from this, read our guide on why you should get an Avetta certification.

What Is the Purpose of Avetta?

Avetta strives to create a network of safe and sustainable workplaces that enables participants to hire and trust buyers, suppliers, and employees. Avetta assesses and mitigates risks by dealing with the vendor pre-qualification process. They help clients choose vendors that conform to health, safety, and environmental regulations.

Avetta’s Overall Mission and Values

To encompass the overall mission and values of Avetta, it’s best to describe this stride toward safety as an effort to hold companies accountable for workplace health and safety while ensuring that clients hire the best company for job tasks. Overall, Avetta values partnership and mutual trust among several industries. Ultimately, their efforts support a better supply chain experience for all contributors.

What Is an Avetta Certification?

An Avetta certification is an accreditation that proves that a company complies with health and safety standards, essentially verifying that a company is safe to work with. However, a company becomes Avetta-certified on a client-by-client basis, as they must meet different requirements, meaning they may qualify for one client but not for another. By being in the Avetta program, companies are visible to hundreds of hiring clients that can help them generate more business.

Benefits of an Avetta Certification

It’s important to understand that companies must undergo specific safety training and programs before earning an Avetta certification. However, once you receive the accreditation, you will notice the many benefits. Among the plethora, some of these benefits include the following:

  • Connect with an exclusive network of clients. One of the best things about this accreditation is that companies will gain exposure to hiring clients who require Avetta. So, not only will companies have their existing clients, but this opens the door to many more!
  • Build a robust safety manual. An Avetta team member will guide your company into creating safety material that highlights the best practices and complies with industry-specific regulations.
  • Reduce employee injuries. With proper safety precautions set in place, companies can reduce employee injuries, resulting in a safer work environment and the prioritization of safety regulations.
  • Improve safety statistics. By being in the Avetta network, suppliers become safer over time because the Avetta certification comes with manuals, pamphlets, and industry-specific training.
  • Easily monitor the progress of safety training. Though Avetta provides initial training, it’s up to the companies to monitor the progression. Fortunately, this is a simple task, as all training benefits job sites and work by reducing employee injuries.

How To Apply for an Avetta Certification

You must visit the official Avetta website to begin the application process. Though requirements may differ depending on the industry, you can expect an initial application, questionnaire, and section to upload the required documents. Then, a team member from Avetta will follow up with your company to get further information and make sure you fulfill all requirements. When everything is complete, your company will receive accreditation.

Who Can Help You Get Certified?

The Avetta certification process can seem daunting, so you may seek out help. Fortunately, companies like Industrial Compliance and Safety can help you get an Avetta certification by assisting in site-specific questionnaires and manual audits. In addition, they can help you gather paperwork and fix existing company policies to ensure that you comply with health and safety standards. By enlisting this service, your company will save time and be ready for an Avetta team member to assess their application.

Additional Support

If your company needs additional support, you can reach out to Avetta through their official website. There, you can speak with a team member via phone, chat, or email. They’re happy to clarify information and answer questions.

Industries That Benefit From Avetta Certification

If you’re not sure if your company needs an Avetta certification, check out this list of industries that benefit from this certification:

  • Construction
  • Chemical
  • Telecommunication
  • Transportation
  • Oil and Gas
  • Industrial

Good Rule of Thumb

Generally, any industry that’s inherently dangerous and follows several safety precautions can benefit from an Avetta certification. In addition, being Avetta-compliant falls under supply chain risk management for hiring clients because it confirms that your company is ready to fulfill work tasks. So, not only will it ensure that your company follows the best practices, but it also confirms that your employees operate in a safe environment. If your company does not have the accreditation, it’s best to assess current safety regulations and consider starting the Avetta application process.

What Happens When You Obtain the Certification?

As previously mentioned, when you receive an Avetta accreditation, your company becomes visible to a network of hiring clients within the Avetta network. In many cases, companies connect with more clients than before, and clients feel safe with their hiring decisions. Knowing that industries comply with the best safety practices, they can fulfill orders, tasks, and other things a client may need. In addition, an Avetta certification can generate leads, as clients can refer companies to their network of people.

What Happens If My Company Doesn’t Get Avetta-Certified?

If your safety program does not get Avetta-certified the first time your company applies, you can then submit a correction request. You may need to revise certain documentation, and then a safety professional will review the resubmission and adjust things accordingly. Fortunately, there is no additional charge for corrections. However, it’s best to make sure your company has the correct information ready for the Avetta team member.

Though health and safety are a priority in several industries, some companies must work to prioritize this essential component to ensure employees’ health. If you work in an inherently dangerous industry such as oil and gas or construction, your company can benefit from an Avetta certification. This accreditation will streamline hiring clients to your company, and you can work with them based on different requirements. In addition, it proves that your company complies with safety regulations! After reading our guide on why you should get an Avetta certification, we hope you consider joining the network.

If you’re looking for help to become Avetta-compliant, you should contact Industrial Compliance and Safety. Our team will assist you in the application process and make sure you follow the best practices. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us today!

Why Should You Get an Avetta Certification

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