Using your ISNetworld® Membership to Promote Your Business

Using your ISNetworld® Membership to Promote Your Business

So you’re now a member of ISNetworld®.  I’m going to share with you a tip that most ISNetworld® contractors overlook:  Use your ISNetworld® compliance to promote your business!You’ve wisely enlisted Industrial Compliance & Safety Net to help create your membership, set up your account and maintain it ensuring you remain a fully compliant ISNetworld® contractor.  Now what?  You’ve paid your dues and are a reliable, safe ISNetworld® compliant contractor so make sure you get the most out of your membership.  In addition, you should be ‘waving the ISNetworld® Compliance Flag’ every time you speak with a potential customer whether they are an ISNetworld® hiring Client or not.  Why?  Because companies want to hire good, safe, and responsible contractors and an ISNetworld® compliant contractor with a high contractor grade reflects those qualities.

Here are a few marketing tools that are provided to you as an ISNetworld® Contactor:

ISNetworld® Logos – As a contractor member you have access to use the ISNetworld® logo.  The most common use is on your external company website to help promote the fact that you are a compliant member of ISNetworld®.  I’ve even seen some companies post their contractor grade within the content on the page where the logo is posted.  Make sure you review ISNetworld’s® logo use policy prior to downloading and posting.

Certificate of Membership and Letters – ISNetworld® has also provided for you downloadable certificates of membership with your company name and number of years you’ve been a member to be displayed and/or sent to prospective customers.  There are also letter templates that can be downloaded and used to send to potential customers who have partnered with ISNetworld® to announce that you are an ISNetworld® Contractor Member.  Both great tools for your sales force to promote your business.

Hard Hat Stickers – There is also a place for you to order hard hat stickers for your crew.

All of these tools are available and can be accessed within your ISNetworld® account which can be accessed by visiting  From the main menu click on the Company Information tab then click on the Promote My Company drop-down menu.  There you can set up you’re My Company Website, download or request the materials listed above, and upload or enter additional info about your company.  Of course, if you have any questions or need assistance please call us here at Industrial Compliance & Safety.  We’ll help you navigate through it!

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