Customer Testimonials

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Customer feedback

Industrial Compliance & Safety
Average rating:  
 22 reviews
 by Kevin Antunez

I have had nothing but a good experience with Industrial Compliance and Safety. Thanks to Tarra Boggs we were able to have a smooth entry into Cargill and become Avetta® compliant which is no easy task. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone trying to enter the industrial world. Once again I have to give it to Tarra for always being task ready and available to receive phone calls or e-mails (and respond) at seemingly any time. Great service 10 out of 10.

 by Mike Jacobs

Tarra, was very quick in getting my business the documents needed. Without Tarra I may not have proven our RAVS compliance. This made the ISNETWORLD process some much quicker. My only mistake was not contacting Industrial Compliance & Safety sooner.

 by Chris Latiolais

Tarra was amazing and very helpful. She was very thorough in gathering the data that she needed, and she got our company information updated within 24 to 48 hours. We will definitely use Industrial Compliance and Safety in our future endeavors!


Made working on this more fun. Very efficient.

 by Zaira Thompson

They exceeded my expectations, handled everything in a timely fashion with extreme professionalism. Tarra Boggs went above and beyond to make sure that I was compliant. I would highly recommend this company.

 by Office Manager

Super helpful and friendly. These people know these systems and how to get your grades up. Money well spent, no regrets.

 by brianda araux

Our representative Tarra, has taken good care of our company.We are very happy with the services provided. She was very responsive to questions and very prompt getting to our account process. We definitely recommend their services.

 by Jennifer Patterson

The staff have been wonderful to work with, navigating through the complex needs of ISNetworld and Avetta®. Tarra has always been quick to tackle a problem and has often gone above and beyond for our company. We have been very lucky to have them on our team and I highly recommend Industrial Compliance & Safety. J. Patterson, owner, JRP Company

 by Mark Austin

Fair price and very quick turnaround on getting us to a perfect score with our biggest customer. I did everything myself the last time we were required to use ISN several years ago and spent way too many hours jumping through hoops just to end up with a B score despite a perfect health and safety record. Using Industrial Compliance & Safety this time was well worth it and I expect to continue to use them to maintain our account.

 by Christine

Very pleasant to speak with it. We were on a time limit and they helped us meet our deadline. We would recommend this company to anyone that needs help with their safety compliance.

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