5 Steps for ISNetworld® Certification

How to Get Your ISNetworld® Certification

ISNetworld® Membership comes with many benefits for your business including unique marketing opportunities. But is membership enough? It is becoming more and more necessary for construction companies and general contractors to receive certification for ISN® safety compliance. ISNetworld® Certification is vital to placing bids and securing contracts for jobs. Industrial Compliance and Safety is here to help your business become ISNetworld® Certified. Our experts specialize in helping contractors obtain ISN® compliance approval within the ISNetworld® system. Here are 5 main steps that can help you navigate the certification process.

Step 1: Connect a Client to Your ISNetworld Accounts

The first thing that must happen to become certified in the ISNetworld® system is to have an Owner Client (Your customer) connected to your account. This will allow your account to be populated with all the needed requirements from your customer. Each Owner Client has their own scorecard which is accessible within your account and they each grade differently and weigh aspects of your ISN® certification account differently. Be sure to distribute your ISNetworld® ID number out to as many potential clients as possible. This number typically starts with 400- and is located at the top of your account homepage.

Step 2: Complete the ISNetworld® Account Questionnaire

Once your client is connected you will need to complete your newly released account questionnaire. This questionnaire can consist of over 2200 questions that must be answered properly. You will need to provide all the needed details about your business, the work you do, your statistics, program information, and much more. Save time and prevent potential errors by working with us to guide you through the ISNetworld® Certification process.

Step 3: Complete Safety Programs (RAVS®)

Next, we can work with you on your ISN® safety programs or ISNetworld®RAVS®. Your RAVS® section will have individual programs that must be written and uploaded. Industrial Compliance does this whole process for you by customizing these programs for your business. Once these programs have been written we upload them for you and answer each of the specific questions on that program requested by your client. We guarantee 100% approval and scoring on your ISN® safety programs. Reviewing these programs can take up to 2 weeks, it is better to get started well before any ISN® compliance deadlines.

Step 4: Submit Documentation

Documentation of insurance(COI), EMR, OSHA Logs, requested company policies, owner client specific forms, RAVS®, and more will need to be submitted to ISNetworld®. Industrial Compliance helps you organize and manage which documentation is needed. We’ll do all the legwork to track down important forms you may need and obtain your signature when needed. We also work with your insurance provider to ensure we get the correct information and data needed to meet ISNetworld® guidelines. Once we have compiled all of the necessary documentation and reviewed them for accuracy, Industrial Compliance will upload everything to your account for you.

Step 5: ISNetworld® Review

In some cases, there may be other requirements on your account. The most common certification requirements are the ones we discussed above. Once the ISNetworld® team has reviewed and graded your submitted programs and information you will receive your ISN® rating/grade which is based off of your clients' scorecard. Once you get to an approved status you become ISNetworld® Certified!

ISNetworld® certifications do not last forever. Your account will need to be consistently maintained to manage new requirements in the form of updates as well as new clients who may connect to your account. On top of these changes is essential to maintaining your ISN® compliant status. We offer many solutions to help your business meet these needs. Let Industrial Compliance You worry about doing business and we’ll worry about the ISN® certification while you focus on your business. Together we’ll keep your clients happy.

Talk to one of our safety compliance experts today and see how we can help you!

*updated 8/4/2022 with new information

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